Rival Books of Aster
Unity Developer / Game Designer
Contracted by Stitch Media to develop and produce the visual components of their iOS video game titled Rival Books of Aster. During my time working for Stitch, I was responsible for both the creation and implementation of art assets. I worked with several other Programmers and Art Directors to develop the overall style and feel of the visual effects to enhance the themes of the game.
Effects and animations for each of the spells and cards were just some of the things I was tasked with, along with establishing visual representations of game mechanics such as the game timer and resource pool.
I, along with other members on the team, worked hard together to create a uniform style that allowed the screen to be full of visual life. Unity3D was utilized to implement and process art assets within the game using the scripting language C#. Many animations were created using both script and Unity’s animation blendtrees, tying them seamlessly with the game’s functions and mechanics.